Thursday, May 2, 2019

Headlines This Week

Sure, this makes sense.

Why are these dumbasses always the head of some Church?
Church makes you batshit crazy.
Why would Jeebus need a gun? He's JEEBUS! Of course he never used a gun. He was a stickler for historical accuracy.
Oh I know why but when I tell this to authorities but they call me a dangerous lunatic. Then I release a baby one in their break room. Usually any of them that survive lunch gives me a call that afternoon.


jester59388 said...

What those gun-toting idiots fail to realize is that, if guns were available back then and Jesus had a gun, all of the Roman soldiers would have had guns too. So Jesus would have survived all of about three seconds before they lit him up and turned him into holy swiss cheese like John Dillinger. No trial before Pilate. No epic suffering crucifixion story to live down through the ages. Just a hail of bullets and a lot of blood. And rather than a cross symbol to hang at the front of the church, we would now be worshipping a chalk outline. Under NO circumstances would he "still be alive today." Dumbasses.

As the song says: "Guns are made for killing. They ain't no good for nothin' else ... 'cept puttin' a man six feet in hole." THAT's the difference between using a car, or a hammer or a knife as a deadly weapon and why it's a fallacy to say "so why don't we ban them too?" THEY have other utilitarian purposes. Gun's don't. Just death, death and more death -- and at a much higher and more efficient degree and rate of fatality.

So why don't you stop pretending otherwise and just admit that you love your gun because it makes your dick hard to know you could kill someone or something if you took a fancy to doing so? (In fact, you probably just creamed your jeans reading that sentence and are oiling up the barrel right now for round two. Fire in the hole!) Idiots.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

No guns in Gotham. We should fight with swords. Like the Highlander.