Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I Only Watched Two Episodes Of Gotham But It Ended Exactly The Way I Said It Would

So I missed out on nothing.

I never watched more than two episodes of Gotham. I have never seen a single second of Supernatural. I hate Family Guy and the Orville bores me though I love Seth McFarlane as a person. Never saw Breaking Bad. Never seen E.T. I watched one season of Game of Thrones and I hated it. It hurt my Brain and broke my heart like Walking Dead broke my soul. Another show I bailed on early. I HATE each and every single CW superhero show from Smallville on. I hate all the romance balloon juice which slows down all the superhero action. I want a 'superhero edit' of Arrow so that I can enjoy that show and not have to be a tween girl to do it. For nine years I have watched each and every Teen Mom series. I know the years by the ages of their oldest children which started all the madness in the first place. All I learned from those shows is that being a teen mom is hard and that Calvin does not want to be one. I love LIVE PD. I love Bridezillas and Gypsy Weddings. Matador is maybe the best damn one season of TV that there ever was. I thought Star Trek Discovery was visionary and brave.

But damn I cannot wait for Game of Thrones to end just to hear people finally shut the fuck up about it. I feel like a persecuted person online because I can't help but make a joke or three about the show. I get more respect from Trump Supporters than GOT Fanatics. What is softer and lighter than a snowflake because that is what these GOT lovers are? They are so quick to take offence. And don't tell me I dont' get what is going on. I watched the first season and I follow the storyline on You Tube but I just don't care. That doesn't make me a bad person or the anti-Christ. It's just a TV show.

I will not be looked down to just because I don't watch a freakin TV show by people who act superior because they know the name of every horse ever to appear and have more than three lines. I will not be bullied. Last Sunday the episode was dark, too dark, deliberately dark, being cheap and saving money dark. Admit they fucked up. Don't make excuses for something that clearly deserves to be busted on by people who were let down by something that means alot to them. I just piled on because I saw the clips on You Tube. They do a tremendous summary to all the drivel.

I could give you a list of great shows and films that you would never think of watching. Productions that would amaze and delight you endlessly. In fact I talk about them here all the time but no one will watch them. No one will take a moment out of their day to tell me that MATADOR was the greatest thing they have ever seen. That just isn't possible. How can I take anyone seriously if they don't have something to say to me about MATADOR?

I will just watch whatever I want to watch and bitch about whatever I want to bitch about and you are welcome to do the same, at your blog or on your podcast.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

"I get more respect from Trump Supporters than GOT Fanatics" -- hahahahahaha, best line in the entire rant!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am happy to have another reason not to watch GOT - spite.