Saturday, October 5, 2019

Best 30 Action Figures From The 80s

 The only problem I have with figures from the 80s is that they are too small and their clothing is not made of cloth and it just painted on. The accessories were minimal and tiny and broke easily. There were also so many characters that you could never have them all. I lived in a time when my action figures were 12 inches in size, had rooted hair, cloth clothing and loads of character relevant accessories. I speak of Mego, G.I. Joe, and Big Jim.

To prove my contempt for these 3 3/4 inch figures I never bought any from the original Star Wars film and in fact destroyed the Darth Vader I found by putting him behind a C-sized rocket engine attached to a model rocket. Despite their huge value today, I could care less about them. That is true for most all of these figures on the list except for the following rare examples.


Heroes and Villains that fought each other while riding giant insects. What more do you need to know. These are very well done and I see them all the time at garage sales. I must have twenty loose figures and not one is missing it's antennae. The insects fit in a child's hand so that you could give the figures the illusion of flight. The cartoon was also pretty good.

Zica has long been trying to return the Sectaurs to toy stores.
They look great but they are nothing without the insect puppets.


Serpentor from G.I. Joe

I was gifted this loose Serpentor many years ago and he remains a treasured part of my collection. Cobra Commander was a pretty cool villain but Serpentor is better. I love his whole goofy origin story and that Sgt Slaughter, the WWF wrestler was his main adversary from the GI JOE side.

These customs are also pretty sweet.



Jonathan Linneman said...

I definitely thought Serpentor was just about the coolest thing ever...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I agree. He was awesome and for a second there I thought Cobra might win a battle but of course Cobra Commander messed it up as usual but Serpentor was a cool threat.

j-swin said...

I have to take up the counterpoint. Growing up in the early/mid 80’s the 3.75” - 6” action figures were my weakness. Star Wars, G.I. Joe, secret wars, TMNT, and the countless others filled my wish lists and the shoe boxes under my bed.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

We are about 15 years apart in age I thing. You just don't know how half the fun of action figures was dressing them up and equipting them with allt he amazing accessories they got with GI JOE as an example. Once they shrunk him half my play time died. And I have a Teddy Roosevelt 12 inch Joe which would have sucked his glasses painted on his face.

j-swin said...

Sounds about right. I’m 40