Thursday, October 10, 2019

It's Been A Year Since The Vegans Turned On Me

Has it really been a year. I wonder how many animals I have eaten during that time? I enjoy the products of the cow, the chicken, the pig and all the bounty of the sea. I would eat people if you all didn't taste so bad. Do you know that even SHARKS won't consume a human? They take one bite, get that bad taste in their mouths and move on.

I was just erased from the Facebook by a thin skinned vegan because I made ONE joke about how the many things that makes a cow awesome is that they taste taste good as well. This was also a person I was very supportive of in all her various struggles and there were many. I liked her. I admired her. She mad me laugh. I tried to make her laugh. I told her she was pretty despite the fact that she was very thin and sickly. I did research to see how best to support a person with t...hose eating challenges. But that meant nothing once I admitted to the world that beef tastes good - and it does. I said it in my sarcastic/joking way that you all know.

But none of that mattered. Meat had been mentioned thus sacrifices had to be made. I hoped for her mercy and the fact that is was her personal page where many topics were discussed I felt particularly ganged up upon. BTW this was my FIRST 'meat is good' comment, THIS ONE EVENT made me unclean, plague ridden and a scourge upon this girl's life. I thought it was a bit over the top admitting I only ate cows who wished a dignified end or were suicidal. 24 hours after I made the offending jokes all of me and my months of comments were scrubbed and never to be repeated or copied and reprinted again.

Usually I can say some dickish things.I deserve no love of a god woman or even a bad girlfriend because I am a gargoyle and therefor unworthy of love of kindness of any kind nor any mercy or sweet apology loving either. I know there are many reasons to ditch me but THIS!! That is psychotic. I have more value than that. In fact, it's a relief, I am glad to be done with her.

But damn it annoyed me. I was out with that week's garbage and I wasn't even in the recyclable bin. That part hurts the most. Not an ounce of slack was given. That's a reminder to everyone out there. Save your love for those who truly deserve it, yourself. Be selfish. Everyone is selfish and they only laugh at your pathetic efforts to treat others as mostly human. Good luck getting to know me because if you dont' already know me you will never know me and many who sorta know me but never talk to me are getting the cut. If you will to be added to the last I will be happy to accommodate you at this time. Calvin is having a clearance event and you are welcome to clear me from your feed as well. I am sure that some of you are tired of my balloon juice. I know I often am.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

"You might as well be hung for a sheep as for a goat."

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

So take the one that is of most use to you at the moment.