Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Now This Is How You Respond To A Liar's Tweets



Debra She Who Seeks said...

"mendacious fuckbilled twatypus" -- now THAT'S good writing!

Nathan said...

Probably not worth mentioning, but also impeachment is for presidents who break the law, regardless of what kind of job they're doing otherwise.

jester59388 said...

The truly amazing thing is that everything Trump and his cronies have done is so much reprehensible than what the Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for. Ken Starr had NOTHING after two years and millions of wasted taxpayer dollars until Clinton handed them a gift by lying under oath about his relations with Monica Lewinsky in is deposition in the Paula Jones case just as they were winding down the investigation. They took that gift like strip sack fumble of Tom Brady in the Super Bowl and almost scored a touchdown with it. That is it -- he LIED under oath about an extramarital affair. A crime, absolutely, but so is jaywalking. It had NOTHING to do with National Security or affairs. It's nowhere near the type of treasonous, Anti-American and seditious misconduct this fool and his henchmen have both maliciously, recklessly and repeatedly engaged in. And yet -- after going guns blazing after Clinton for far, far less -- the Republicans have the audacity to stand by silently -- or worse defend his conduct? The Congressmen and Congresswomen on both sides of the aisle who are supporting impeachment are PATRIOTS -- they are doing their Constitutional duty regardless of the potential negative political repercussions (not the least of which is -- GAG!! -- PRSIDENT PENCE!!) Maybe Mitch McConnell should take a lesson from that as he is the Poster Child for abdicating his Constitutional obligations for the sake of political expediency (yeah, I know, fat chance!)

OR maybe we'll get really lucky and Trump will get so worked up about all of this he'll just blow out his aorta while sitting on his Golden Toilet tweeting at 5 AM and save us all a lot of trouble. You can't tell me that fat fuck's arteries aren't 99% blocked already. (And no, I don't believe that whacko doctor of his that Trump is in perfect health. That guy looks like the doctor from Twin Peaks spent the last 20 years doing nothing but eating magic mushrooms and KFC.)

Oh, one last thing, the economy was doing GREAT under Clinton at the time they impeached him. So guess what Lyin' Crooked Liddle Slow Donnie -- he of the tiny hands and mushroom dick? The good economy is NOT going to be any defense to impeachment, you fucking ass! You'd know that if you knew ANYTHING about history (or the Constitution).

Nathan said...

The burnout doctor eventually admitted that Trump wrote that note himself, which isn't all that surprising considering the wording.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thank you for expressing that Jester. Welcome to the fight. This time I am sure our time will win and get that tingly feeling that all of us get when we see a douchebag dragged away in cuffs for a nice de-lousing and a nice shower rape.