Thursday, October 3, 2019

Only Six Days Until National Perogie Day



National Pierogi Day is observed annually on October 8. This is a day to enjoy this delicious side dish.

Pierogi is the plural form of the rarely used Polish word pierogThe word Pierogi can be found spelled several ways including perogi and pierogy. However you choose to spell it, pierogi are dumplings made up of unleavened dough that are first boiled then sometimes baked or fried in butter. Usually semicircular in shape, they are traditionally stuffed with a mashed potato filling, potato and cheese, potato and onion, cheese, cabbage, sauerkraut, ground meat, mushroom, spinach or fruit.
Pierogi are often served with melted butter, sour cream, fried bacon crumbles, sauteed mushrooms and onions and/or green onion. The dessert variety, those filled with a fruit filling, can be enjoyed topped with applesauce, maple syrup, chocolate sauce and/or whipped cream.

There are other similar types of dumpling-like dishes in other ethnic cuisines. 

It was the Eastern European immigrants that popularized pierogi in the United States.  At first, pierogi were a family food among the immigrants and were also found in ethnic restaurants; Freshly cooked pierogi became a staple fundraiser for ethnic churches in the post-World War II era.  By the 1960s, pierogi were being marketed for the frozen food aisles of grocery stores in many parts of the United States.

While pierogi are eaten as a main dish in other countries, Americans typically consider them to be a side dish.
The Pittsburgh Pirates hold a pierogi race at every home game.  Six pierogi costume-wearing runners (Potato Pete, Jalapeño Hannah, Cheese Chester, Sauerkraut Saul, Oliver Onion, and Bacon Burt) race to the finish line between innings. 
  • Whiting, Indiana celebrates an annual Pierogi Fest each July.
  • Glendon, Alberta, Canada is home to a 6000-pound pierogi which stands 25 feet tall and is made of sturdy fiberglass and steel. Piercing the giant pierogi, which was build in 1991, is an equally giant fork.


MDJackson said...

Well, now I know what's for dinner on Tuesday!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

National Perogy Day! I must mark it on my calendar!