Sunday, May 9, 2010


I am inconsolable. My team DIDN'T win the 'Amazing Race'. I officially hate everything now. I went outside and beat up a trash bag full of cloths we were giving away. Now I have to repack them. But I think the minute I repack them that I will beat up that bag again and then repack again. That should get it out of my system.

Here is a warning to 'Lost' and 'Survivor' - I am very FRAGILE right now and you best not mess with me either. Stupid stupid television. Why do you make me love you when you only break my heart?


Kelly Sedinger said...

Tell me you were at least pulling for the cowboys. Brent and Caite need to sealed in a capsule and shot to Mars. (Well, Caite, anyway.)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh hell ya. The Cowboys all the way. I hated the brothers. They were fags and I use that term to refer to their behavior. I know its a game for a million dollars but that is not what the Amazing Race is suppose to be about. It's suppose to be about the relationships. Well at least for me. I felt really let down at the end. It was a good season but evil won out.

Oh and Caite is still stupid no matter how much she protests to the contrary.