For taking '24' for the team. I totally love how the article makes sure to mention that he was wiped out by his 'ordeal' and slept for two days straight. You see ladies, we are not machines. If you cut us, we still bleed and if you and 23 of your sisters shag us we need some sleep. So close the curtain and leave me alone. You can leave the grilled cheese sandwiches by the door.
Don't forget: He broke OUT of his cage and broken INTO their cage before doing all of this. He is like some Captain Kirk of Guinea Pigs.
and we are at the top of the food chain? I think not...
Kirk, Houdini and GOD of Guinea Pigs.
When I read something like this I am both afraid of and tremendously impressed with the Guinea Pig. What they hell kind of awesome reproductive imperitive do they have? I must recruit them before the octopus do.
Imagine the conversation between Female #1 and Female #24!
That is hilarious Megan. Just like a guy to not concider the female Guinea Pig side of this. We are giving each other and the other male guinea pigs high fives around the table and here some poor girl (and all her guinea pig sorority sisters) knows that she was LAST chosen.
Lets just assume that she was furthest away from the opening when he wriggled in and that is why he got to her last. I am sure she is very pretty as guinea pigs go and has a fabulous personality.
If any of us guys tried something like that we would just end up getting arrested. The newspaper article would be a lot different.
Oh, to be a guinea pig!
Damn horny Guinea Pigs get all the hot chicks.
Let's be honest MD, if both of us TOGETHER could satisfy 24 women, then nobody would be calling anybody to report anything. We would be their GODS.
I can maybe do three. With a nap and a couple grilled cheese sandwiches between each girl. And even then I can't promise it will be a fireworks display. And that is on my BEST day.
What? TMI?
Actually, 1 and 24 are probably not even in the same corner of the cage. They know their place. It's all the middle bitches that need to come to terms with this...
You every see Afro Samurai, Megan. Being Number 1 is easy. You only have to fight Number 2 when he is ready to challenge you. Being Number 2 is hard because you have to fight every other bitch below you that thinks he/she is worthy.
So you are saying that I also have to deal with those middle bitches too? Gawd. It's not easy being pretty is it?
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