When I read those old issues of 'Scientific America' or 'Popular Mechanics' they all predict a future where we will be hip deep in bubbles.
Bubble helmet for our heads and clear domes for our cars, flying cars, submarine cars, and space vehicles. Even my lawnmower was suppose to have the driver's compartment encased in a clear bubble. How can I wave to my family while performing menial labor if they can't see me?
You were suppose to be able to change the filter on your clear domed home so that you could let light in, keep it out or have privacy from your peeping neighbors. So here I am in 2010 with no rocket pack, no flying car, and no bubble domes. Is it a wonder I hate everything?

The Pope has a monopoly on clear bubbles.
I just have to say, you have a very funny blog. I always love visiting and seeing what's happening in your cave of coolness...
Thank you Teresa...I blush because I love.
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