Friday, December 9, 2011

Battleships Trailer


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Wow. This trailers is a hybrid of every current trend in movies. Killer Transformer robots from space, aliens in Iron Man armor, Big City Disasters with falling buildings, Jump Cuts, Shaky Cam, Zack Synder Slow Mo and an Ethnic Female telling us she knew this day would come.

This trailer is a chorus line of cliches.

At least the trailer for "The Three Stooges" showed Snooki getting poked in the eyes! C'mon Battleship! Give me something fresh and new!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Utterly forgettable even with all those bells and whistles.

However, I am happy that finally I will be proven right. Everything that wants to kills us comes from the oceans.