Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanks For Taking The Rest Of My Hope Away - Merry Fuckin' Christmas Everyone


Budd said...

She did such a good job as a zombie though. I was impressed.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh...whoooo hooooo and where did it get her? Shot to the head.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh...whoooo hooooo and where did it get her? Shot to the head.

Sarah said...

I really expected her to still be alive after how long they dragged finding her out. I should have known better--this is not a happy ending type of show!

Urban Jointz said...

This is why I don't watch this show. No denying the quality but after awhile the constant "death" just gets to me!

Urban Jointz said...

Guess that's why I'm into erotica so much, other than the obvious reasons...

TS Hendrik said...

Best episode in a season that dragged on with her as a weak mcguffin. I just thought Carl should have shot her. Than we could have had an Old Yeller type moment.

mshatch said...

I had a feeling she was going to end up in that barn. Someone should Shane, before he gets anyone else killed.

Anonymous said...

I am a diehard fangal of the graphic novels, BUT I am open to the redirection of the tv series and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the awesome makeup and special effects:O

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The comics are great but I found I had to wait until they were collected to read them because it was just too tough to wait a full month to see what happened next.

I was really devastated that Sophie was in the barn. I purposely didn't go back to my comics to see the ending.