Thursday, December 8, 2011

Okay, You Caught It. Now What Are You Going To Do With It?

When I look at this picture, why do I imagine monkeys at the zoo reacting the same way to a dropped cell phone? They can't figure out how the thing works but it's a fun new toy to play with.

The Iranians will not be the ones to crack open this thing for it's secrets. They just don't have the knowledge to do a half way decent job at reverse engineering all the gadgets and gizmos that make the drones tick. For that you need to go to China which is the next stop this plane will make on it's 'around the world tour'.

Now that would make a good story. Send a SEAL team into Iran to destroy the drone (which should have a frickin' self destruct button anyways) before the Chinese get their hands on it. It would be one HELL of a movie.

Then again it might be real. I heard some wackjob on TV claim that the US was weeks away from a bombing strike on Iran and it's nuclear facilities and this drone was collecting data to be used in that attack.

I also can't get the image out of my mind of a bunch of Iranian just sitting at the cafe enjoying some tea when this drone gently lands on the road in front of them. That's the only way I can see these Iranian numnuts from getting their hands on one of these - just dumb luck. Probably took them a week to realize what they had.

I never knew how LARGE those U.S. drones were. I thought they were the size of a living room table but clearly they are not (unless those people inspecting the drone are really tiny). Learn something new everyday.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a Cylon ship...

Belle said...

I love the design.