Now this issue could be sexy and bloody and totally unlike the usual pap that Archie feeds us every month. How dare they tease me with the promise to see Veronica in the Vampirella costume as we all know it from the comics.
Betty should be wearing a pencil skirt and high boots while hunting the undead. Also I can only surmise from the look on Betty's face that she is gooned on crystal meth and only thinks she sees vampires everywhere. Now THAT would be a good story. Stupid Archie comics.

According to Wikipedia this issue was released in 2009, but if they're trying to parody "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", should that have been done ten years prior while the show was still on if they wanted to be relevant?
Also, forget the Vampirella costume, Betty's expression while she fondles that wooden stake is quite disturbing.
How could you not link this Bruce Timm classic?
Who the hell reads Archie comics anyway? Really.
Sick people who don't know how stupid and evil that comic is. I just wish they would stop putting out these 'special' issues so that I can stop commenting about how stupid they are. I swear, Lego and Archie almost ruined my childhood.
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