Where are all the Republican WOMEN expressing their outrage against the misogynistic hate speech of Rush Limbaugh? I suspect, like good little conservative girls, they know their place in this world - pregnant and in the kitchen while home schooling their children for fear that the homosexual agenda of public education will give their kids, 'the gay'. They do this all while never wearing pants - both literally and figuratively - in their households.
These are the kind of women who never complain because in their male dominated society, that is never permitted. Taliban girls almost have more freedom of speech and opinion.
How any independently thinking woman can support a party who truly hates and marginalizes their contributions to society outside of the home is beyond me. I would like to meet such a woman who actually believes that President Obama doesn't have her or her family's best interests at heart - one who still believes that the Republicans will save her from the evil Kenyan Socialist.
If a woman is that stupid, I would like to meet her.
Fortunately, however, the gender gap between the right and left is expanding exponentially. For example, Latina women go for Obamma 10 - 1 and they are more likely to vote.
I have said this before - you woman have half the money and ALL the pussy so you should be in charge. Use your power ladies to crush this trend and this 'war on women'. I can only do so much as a single white man.
Where is the female outrage?
Everyone walks in lock step. NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON OF NOTE from the Right has come out to denounce what Rush said. NOT ONE. That level cowardice says it all.
It weird, not long before this whole fiasco happened I was a bookstore and I picked up a young adult novel (I'm afraid I can't remember the title) and skimmed the first chapter. It started with a "Breakfast Club" Scenario were the principal is giving detention to a group of kids who are around 13, 14 years old, and calls one girl who has broken the dress code "a slut in the making". I said to myself "WHAT?! Dude, you could get fired on the spot for saying that. I've known people who have had their careers ruined because they said something like that. You just don't do that. Ugh. This author has no perception of reality". In light of recent events I may not have given him enough credit. I just don't know. Ugh.
I had two girls fighting in a class once and they were calling each other lesbians. I told them they were both lesbians and they needed to shut up and get back to work. The whole class laughted as did the principal when I told him the story later in the day. It's all about timing.
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