Monday, September 10, 2012

I Have Dreams That Look Like This


Mike D. said...

Me too but in my dream I pull the heads arms and legs off...wait! These aren't action figures!!! lol
jk lol

Kal said...

Always good to check if they are real before removing any body parts or costume accessories.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I feel like there needs to be a whole bunch of bats flying up from behind them or a series of pointless explosions in the background to properly celebrate such awesomeness!

Hobgoblin238 said...

I have PORNO dreams like that...

david_b said...

I'm simply ruined for life.

Tight purple spandex on shapely ladies drives me batty.

That purple/yellow 'Yvonne outfit' STILL rocks my.. boat.

Mike D. said...

Oh Yvonne!

Kal said...

Welcome to the club, my brothers.

Kal said...

And don't crowd. There are plenty of Batgirls to go around.