Sunday, September 9, 2012

If Your Sister Or Cousin Or Friend Looks Like This

Then hook a brother up. You know I am a quality individual and I could make a beautiful collection with a woman like this.


M. D. Jackson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hobgoblin238 said...

There are MANY Mexican chicas who LOVE foreigners. Come on down.

Kal said...

Why did you remove that MD? For the second I thought you were serious. You are just afraid that she would lose her mind and I would end up calling your Dad. I can see how that wouldn't be a part of your plans for her. LOL.

I do like the Chicas, Hobby. But I need to find a pair of those curly toe cowboy boots that are so popular down there. I can now swim the Rio Grande in reverse and find her.

M. D. Jackson said...

I don't know. I knew you'd get the joke but I wasn't sure anyone else would.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Hey get in line Kal! If I a nerd girl with a cute face and bubbly body like this, its every man for himself!

Though I do have to wonder why she would have "A History of Girly Magazines" on her shelf. You'd think a full length mirror would be all the reference material that she'd ever need.

Kal said...

She's a well rounded invidual in more ways than one. - that is why she studies the girly magazines.