Friday, September 7, 2012

New To The Collection

I love these vinyl figures of the female heroes from both Marvel and DC Comics so much that I couldn't bear to rotate them out of the upstairs part of the collection. I just turned the boxes and got a whole new look. The box art is manga terrific and spot on realistic to the figure inside the package. It's hard to pic a favorite but I do love the Scarlet Witch.

And now, with no thanks to the poachers out there, I was able to get the Ben Afleck figures AND the super awesome ARMADILLO DRILLING VEHICLE to go with my Bruce Willis figure. These things have weight and substance to them and you know I can't resist the bubble helmets - can never have enough figures with bubble helmets.


Hobgoblin238 said...

Can one fit a 3 inch figure into the Armadillo?

Kal said...

I will open and see. That will be another good post idea.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

man, i luv your toys

Kal said...

Right back atcha.