Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Coming This Fall - Atlantis

I often contribute my posts to Cultural Compulsive Disorder, my New York connection but today I had to borrow from them. This new series does look good. I am in the mood for this kind of show back on TV. Looks very family friendly and anti-Spartacus. I especially like the idea of using Jason and Hercules because that means the Argonauts and the search for the Golden Fleece eventually and that is a great story in mythology.

Three Greek legends walk into a bar... yup, that could be the tagline for BBC's newest TV show, Atlantis. There is a young, strapping hero named Jason (of the Argonauts fame) that seems to constantly be on the wrong side of authority. A nerdy philosopher type in Pythagoras, who is the antithesis of Jason physically but seems to be the brains of the operation. And finally we have an aging Hercules, played by Robert Baratheon himself (Mark Addy!) and still kicking ass despite losing his hair. What kind of hi jinks do these three unusual mix of friends plan to get into? We shall see this fall. Check out the first trailer after the jump that introduces you to the boys and gives a glimpse into what shall come this Autumn. It does feel a bit cheesy, but considering BBC's recent track record with genre television I for one will give it a chance...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like this one might rely on more than sex and violence -- good because there's too much of that already in these historical dramas.

Kal said...

It was great in Spartacus but you are right. I don't want to see that style becoming the trend. I am glad Vikings went the totally non-digital route with their battles. Real suffering happens even from small wounds.