Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Daily Reminder - It's An Abomination, No Matter How You Dress Them Up, They Still Terrify Me

Huang Yong Ping (b. 1954 in Xiamen, Fujian province, China) - Wu Zei, 2010.  A 25 meters wide Octopus from the exhibition Mediterranean Sea at Monaco’s Oceanographic museum.


profsafety said...

Pure EVIL.

Anonymous said...

You know I will not tell a lie,
I am no fan of octopi!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

You talk a lot about the cephalopod menace, but I'm curious about any other abominations I should be wary of. For example, many people are afraid of spiders which likewise have eight legs. Should I be alert to those critters as well?

Kal said...

Spiders are not so bad. It's the creatures that are THINKERS that you have to worry about. Snakes and every other thing that hurts you does so out of instinct. Octopus hurt you out of SPITE.