Sunday, September 1, 2013

Heroes Of Cosplay

Of course I would love a show like Heroes of Cosplay. It's not perfect but perfectly functional and interesting to watch. I can't believe all the crap the show is taking from a community that should be supporting anything that celebrates the hobby. But cosplayers are a special breed of fan. They are very tough on each other.

So Riki/Riddle made a comment about people needing to look good to be cosplayers. I agree with that mostly which doesn't mean I don't like the occasion 400 lb Spider-Man. It just is often a coincidence that the best costume designers (wherever they get the parts - homemade or purchased) are often the prettiest to look at.

Fuck guys, Can she do nothing right? Relax, she has done the sexy costumes and the ones where she is pretty covered up. It's about the design for her and she never disappoints.

Can you imagine how out of my skull exited I was to know that they were featuring Riki on the Heroes of Cosplay program. How could any dream of leaving her out. She is at the top of her game and deserves the attention she is getting. Although a lot of that attention has turned out to be negative.

I am a big fan of Project Runway. I have watched every season, every episode. The process of design is endlessly fascinating to me. I love to watch how something goes from nothing to amazing...or less than amazing. It's all a crapshoot.

For that reason I of course would love great cosplay. Someone who can replicate the look and the feel of the comic book or pop culture character that we all know and love. Heroes of Cosplay is a show on the SyFy channel that follows some of the best at the 'art' of cosplay. I see a lot of these pictures and I know what is good and what I like. That's what it should be about. Supporting these artists should be the goal but there has really been a social media backlash by people who are jealous of what the 'Heroes' have been able to accomplish.

For me it's great to see Riddle/Riki go through the steps to create her signature looks. I have come to expect a lot from her and she always delivers. It was a treat to watch her work out the look. Her instincts are always spot on.

Enjoy this massive collection of pictures I have posted before. That is the joy of having my own blog. I can post anything I want.


Slim body shape is a crucial element to help a person look great with cosplay costumes. This also makes sense on Riddle. This time, this pretty girl becomes an excellent cosplayer for eclair, who steals the limelight with a one-piece red dress. Including the sparkling color, each element on her suit is crucial in boosting her appeal. Also, her allure on a kasumi cosplay is second to nobody.

It's very rare that someone becomes so good at cosplay that they become a household name among people like me who follow such things. I have a real appreciation for Riddle's ability to create such fantastic costumes that are perfect representations of the fantasy characters we all know and love. She has skills as both a model and designer and is deadly cute to boot. You can learn more about her and her creative process by going HERE



Combo said...

Wasp and Huntress- those are my top favourites being cosplayed by this gal.

Kal said...

She really found what was great about each character. The proof is in the they say.

j-swin said...

we've been watching HOC on demand and riddle really seems to have her shit together. you can tell it's a passion and not just a paycheck.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

When you turn pro as a cosplayer, how do you make money? Special appearances? Photo sales?

Kal said...

All of that and possible more. Free trips around the world. TV program now. But it's like any other artistic endeavour. You have to keep topping what you've done before. I am fascinated with what the best cosplayer come up with as each convention year goes by.

FugglyUnicorn said...
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