Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Must Confess

I am loving hearing people complain about the latest phone that they got. How little improvement it was over the last great phone that everyone had to have and in some cases is a regression in what people have come to expect from their little hand held computer/communication/bee killing/ brain frying/gps tracking devices.

I of course can mock the cellphone because I don't have one. Never wanted to jump on that treadmill and in truth I really have no one to call. Even when I needed a jump start for my car the other day I was able to talk someone into calling the towing company for me...but of course none of them could REALLY help me by having jumper cables. Then again I didn't have jumper cables either but you would think, that while parked outside a HOSPITAL, with the hood of my car open, that SOMEONE would have looked upon me with pity and at least ASKED me what was wrong. No one did. Thank you human spirit for being absent that day. Did I mention I was out of juice in front of a HOSPITAL. It's because of my freakish appearance isn't it? You can tell me.

And you wonder how my heart got broken in the first place. Stupid compassionless humans. I hope all the hyper intelligent reptiles from space get you all.



Big J said...

I hear ya brother, and I work in the industry. It never fails the new phone X comes out and out of the woodworks they come thousands of reports of how the old phone Y is horrible, and always falls apart/defective, and everyone hates it, please upgrade me for free. I hear phone X is much better, and far more durable even through it has only been on the market for 2 weeks, and this is the way of things until phone Z comes out...

M. D. Jackson said...

I had a car that needed a jumpstart all the time. I spent many hours in that same situation: Hood open, helpless look. You know what? I even had jumper cables. I'd attach them and wait hopefully... nothing! Not even being surrounded by miserable hungry looking kids would help. Nobody wanted to help.

Unless my wife was with me, then people (men, mostly) would fall over themselves to help the little lady in distress. My wife would tell me to make myself scarce and keep my mouth shut.

That's the way of the world.

DrGoat said...

Well, I guess the average Canadian is no better than the average American. This seems to be the age of selfishness. Unless there's something in it for them. Pathetic.
As for cell phones, I had to get one of those pay as you go phones, 'cause I'm getting to old to change the very heavy tires on my truck, so my wife figured I needed the option of calling the AARP motor service. Other than that, walking around staring at an Iphone is not my idea of life. I guess the real world just doesn't cut it for these people. Again, pathetic.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I've had the same phone since 2006. I push buttons and talk to people. I don't need texts. The only downside is that now people can call me wherever I happened to be.

Nomad said...

That when its time to ignore them.
I keep 2 sets of jumper cables in my car. One set is extra long to get to a car if its parked behind me.
I try to help where ever I can but some people just don't want help, so I feel like a nuisance asking. Maybe that's how a lot of people think.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't have a cellphone too. And I wouldn't have given you a jumpstart either. But My Rare One would have. She loves using those friggin dangerous butch jumper cables.

Kal said...

You are cold, Wilma, ICE COLD. Most people are killed by someone they know so I think you would have been safe...wait