Thursday, September 12, 2013

Just Make The Damn Movie Already

And it better have an Invisible Scooter or I am walking out.


j-swin said...

honestly, throw us a bone here. make with the amazon already!

Kal said...

Amen my brother. Just remake the animated feature DC put out a few years ago. That was a great film.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've never understood the point of having invisible means of transportation when WW herself is not invisible. What's the point? It just looks weird.

j-swin said...

stealth, baby. stealth.

david_b said...

Perhaps a good idea in the skies, but I always thought Steranko's Nick Fury/SHIELD 'invisible car' was dumb..

What's to stop folks smashing into you in traffic..?

Nathan said...

An invisible Scooter would also be a good idea for the next Muppet movie.