Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Message To America

You do not want to play 'footsie' with this guy. He is as close to a real life Bond villain that we ever get in this world. Now I like him. I respect a guy who does his own wet work and doesn't take shit from anyone. America needs him as a friend and not an enemy. I know him. You play him for a fool at your peril.



D.I. Felipe González said...

Yep. A villian we all love to hate.

david_b said...

Our foreign policy and recent posterings has been embarrassing.

More have died under our current president in Afghanistan than the previous one. Facts are facts.

Kal said...

I know I know. But that doesn't solve anything. Make the deal already that allows everyone to save some face from this enormous clusterfuck. Can't we agree that EVERYONE is wrong here. I am just saying Putin is not an enemy you want. He can do a lot of mischief. Best point him at the Chinese than North America. Learn a lesson from your past...JUST ONE LESSON...please America. We Canadians have to share a continent with you numnuts. Sometimes it great but sometimes it sucks.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A sweater, parka and fur hat? Where's his bare manly chest? Has Putin gone sissy?