Saturday, September 7, 2013

New Headphones And An Episode Of 'Beware The Batman'

Then a new 'Hell on Wheels'.
Saturday night doesn't get better than that for me.


M. D. Jackson said...

It sounds more exciting than my Saturday night. Well, actually, no there was... uh... but then the... no...

Yeah, yours was way more exciting than my Saturday night.

Kal said...

What do you do? Just sit in your basket until you hear the car keys jingle?

M. D. Jackson said...

*sigh* in some ways that's more true than you know (if by "basket" you mean my chair in front of the computer screen, and if by "car keys jingling" you mean my wife deciding that she's ready for me to drive her over to her friend's house for their game of bridge and then waiting in my "basket" for the phone call to tell me their game is done and she's ready to be picked up, then... yeah. That's pretty much it)

Sorry, too much information, I know. Anyway, I gotta go. The bridge game must be over because I hear the car keys jingling.

Kal said...

You need one of those little tvs that plug into your cigarette lighter so you can watch videos while you a dog. I hope she leaves you some food and water.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

My Saturday was similarly Kal-tastic. Inspired by your many "I think of Tink" posts, I sat down and watched Disney's original "Peter Pan". I can't recall if I ever saw it as a kid or not, but I enjoyed it very much.

Next Saturday might be even better what with the new season of "Legend of Korra" starting after "Beware the Batman". That way we can get our superhero and steampunk fix in the same hour.

Kal said...

I had the record album as a kid. I know all the songs and dialog.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I've been going through a lot of the older Disney animated features. Its interesting to see an older style of storytelling and the effect they've had on current filmmakers.