Friday, September 20, 2013

New To The Collection Of Cool

Beware the Batman is a great figure to go with the slick new cartoon that I have a feeling will be devoid of new figures. I liked to see this fresh take on the design of the Dark Knight and to have a new Batman in my meager collection. Have I mentioned how pitiful it is.

I have finally begun to receive my Batman figures which are months late but still very appreciated. I am still desperately looking for my Batmobile from this new 6 inch line to arrive in the mail and I have been assured that it's on it's way. Great to have the Riddler, the Frank Gorshan version. I also like the green suit with the green bowler hat look but they won't be producing that look.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Its strange that the Riddler bowler hat and suit variant won't be available, because that costume originated from the '60s show. Apparently Frank Gorshin had it in his contract that he had to have an alternate costume that wouldn't showcase his "riddle".

Mountie Barbie is still quite a sight, only now that she's next to Batman every time I see her I'm going to think she's Giganta's cousin the 7 and 1/2 Foot Tall Canadian Woman!

Kal said...

I think this line will do very very well from what I have seen and read so we can expect a whole other set next summer I suspect. These are really terrific figures and appeal to both collector and those who are nostalgic for the show.