Friday, September 13, 2013

Other Choices For Canada's Flag

Canada didn't have an official national flag until February 15, 1965. Choosing one caused a huge divide in both public and political opinions, and the matter had to be settled by cloture in the Canadian House of Commons.

A special flag committee invited ordinary citizens to submit their vision of a brand new flag. Of the total 3541 submissions, 2136 bore maple leaves, 408 the Union Jack, 389 had a beaver, and 359 contained fleurs-de-lys. In the end, a simple red maple leaf design by Colonel George Stanley would win.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the one with the Beatles!

DrGoat said...

Me too! Hit me immediately that that was the one. The beaver's second and just for abstract quality, that last one is third.

Kal said...

NO NO..The triple maple leaf was the best and most favorite of Pearson but he knew how to make a compromise and the best flag won out. It's so iconic and perfect.

Kal said...

Plus the Beatles are not Canadian. Hate to break it to ya. But maybe if they put Stompin' Tom on we got us an icon.

Combo said...

I like the Blue and the Red crisscrossing in the middle over this white background, it kinda look futuristic. It's like a flag for a Starship.

Kal said...

Yes, when we move the country INTO SPACE...that one will be appropriate. Damn Sixies minimalism.

DrGoat said...

Of course the Beatles are not Canadian. That's the beauty of it old bean.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Beatles belong to THE WORLD, man.

Kal said...

Well all of them but Ringo. He knows why I dislike him. He never made a CAVEMAN 2.