Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remember When Security Was So Light...

That a bear in a top hat with a sharpened pencil behind his ear could just walk into the U.N. with his box lunch and no one harassed him.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It was truly a simpler time.

Kal said...

That bear ruined everything. He even snatched my picnic basket.

Anonymous said...

Leave the bear alone. He never touched my picnic baskets. Of course there was nothing in there except liquor - and the basket was a brown paper bag. Still the principle remains - if you go drinkin' with bears... hey wait a minute, do I mean "bears" or "beers"??? Yeah okay the bear stinks, whatever.

Kal said...

I got nothing against Yogi. I enjoyed his cartoons very much. BUT he is no diplomat. Who knows what is in that thermos. Could be napalm.