Tuesday, September 17, 2013

'Under The Dome', I Truly Hate You

I can't believe I just watched 13 hours worth of crap that answered NONE of my questions. How arrogant for the creators to think they could hook me with this weak ass story that went NO WHERE and end it in such a way that insults my intelligence and my patience. So I am suppose to come back next season (if there is one) to have more questions without answers thrown at me. GAH! I refuse to do it. I don't care anymore about pink starts falling from the sky or who the 'Monarch' is or why the stupid dome is there in the first place.



Anonymous said...

I gave up after the second episode. I mean it was alright but it was bad. Yucky.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Describes my feelings after two seasons of "Lost". It didn't help that I was watching "Babylon 5" at the same time, were they answered the big questions at the end of each season only to lead into another, so it was a process of continuing satisfaction leading to another inviting hook.

Kal said...

I watched lost for months daily to get to the finale and what a disaster that show was. I just had to give Stephen King the benefit of the doubt but I am so pissed at how this season ended.

Hated Babylon 5 too. Just couldn't get into it after numerous tries. At least I have Boardwalk Empire to enjoy.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's right . . . just walk away. Screw them!

Mike D. said...

I'll probably forget.

Kal said...

I just don't care. I feel cheated. Especially after things like the excellent Broadchurch and a sub-par Luther but even Luther was better than this crap. Under the Crap should have been the name of this show.

Bob/Sally said...

Agreed. I would have much rather preferred a single season with a definite end. The characters were thin, the acting wooden, and the dome itself reduced to a lame mystical plot device.

They really jumped the shark when Maxine suddenly appeared out of nowhere to add some tension, and that stupid tornado just killed it for me.

Mike D. said...

under the crap ...heh heh heh

The Flying Dachshund said...

Just FYI.. Was already greenlit for season 2...