Monday, December 9, 2013

Batman Trading Cards By Topps

Original paintings by Bob Powell (pencils) and Norman Saunders (paintings) for the Batman trading card series, printed by Topps, 1966.



Hobgoblin238 said...

These have actually been reissued again for 2013

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh the predicaments those boys got into!

david_b said...

These were the COOLEST ever cards when I was a youngster.. I'd pour over the art on the meager few I had. I finally found/bought the '90s reissue.

A HUGE thanks, Cal. I need to track down whether anyone issued any larger reprints. I believe some company did a few years back.

Exquisite, Classic Art..!!!

profsafety said...

I really like that classic style.

Kal said...

The bold colors are the best. I would love to read a comic like this or see an animated version.

Kal said...

The bold colors are the best. I would love to read a comic like this or see an animated version.