Monday, December 9, 2013

Custom Muppet Theatre Built From Scratch

This is a very impressive piece of work. One of my major toy collecting regrets is that I didn't go all in when Palisades but out their fantastic Muppet character collection. I always thought I could get back to them but they are very expensive on the secondary market. Lance Cardinal crated this theatre using the figures and all their accessories and created something magical I think. This would be the dream piece for any Muppet toy collector. Hell you could film your own shows with this set-up.




Debra She Who Seeks said...

Pretty sweet! I would have killed for that when I was a kid.

Nerd Out With Me said...

WOW! This is awesome. I wish I had the talent to do something like that. Loved the show as a kid.

DrGoat said...

If you have to have an obsession, you can't get any better than that. That is one cool thing.

Dr. Theda said...

Very impressive "Play-Set" good Sir Kal...

Kal said...

I would have made my own show in my room and shared it with invited guests.