Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hizbulla Hates Superman??

Recently a terror watch dog group discovered a propaganda video by hizbullah claiming that Superman is some sort of subversive means of aiding Jewish dominance over American society.


I watched this twice to try and figure out what the hell the goof speaking English was talking about. I guess it has something to do with the Jews and how they made Hollywood and Superman to destroy the Arab people. I love this kind of lunatic balloon juice. It's almost as crazy as Mormon Anti-Masterbation videos.


Jordan said...

I didn't watch the vid, but there's a legitimate academic field of inquiry (totally unrelated to this) about Jews and superhero comics. Several scholars have written about Nietzsche and Superman and "the other"; stuff about how Clark Kent is a representation of Jewish sublimation and assimilation.

Frank Miller (who is Jewish) has made the point in a few instances that all the major superheroes were created by Jews, and that superhero comics are actually an important part of Jewish American culture.

Debra She Who Seeks said...
