Saturday, March 8, 2014

Riddle As Velma By Scotland Barnes



I thank brother Erik for sending me the first image which was perfect to post this morning. You all know my deep love and respect for Riki De Coate, one of my favorite cosplayers in the business. Not only is she a gorgeous model, she combines that with fantastic design skills that perfectly capture the fictional characters she is bringing to life. She never lets me down and often goes above and beyond to make sure all the little details are perfect. It's the way a ARTIST completes the illusion.
I also admire the way she rescues squirrels and does a lot of fundraising for worthy causes through cosplay events and merchandise sales.
This week I saw a post on the Facebook where Riki was expressing how down and insignificant she feels - just like all of us feel from time to time. I forgot that even people I admire have their issues and challenges too. I was thinking about doing a post on her when Erik sent me the perfect piece of art. I hope she has seen it because I know she would appreciate the effort.

1 comment:

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Oh, good timing on my part (a first!)

I've found creative people suffer fear of the world crumbling down around them... because they can so easily imagine it happening.