Monday, March 3, 2014

You Would Think Someone Would CHECK Before Closing The Bodybag

Bu buddy must have been a REALLY heavy sleeper to not wake up himself after being in a cold morgue, then transported to the funeral home in the back of a van. This happened in AMERICA! Oh and before you all start to celebrate you best stake that vampire before he kills the entire family during a hospital visit.

Oh and when the guy in the body bag at the funeral home starts trying to kick his way OUT....that is when I, as a funeral employee, gets the fuck out....of the building and possibly the state. I just get in my car and drive and drive and drive while following the sun. That would be the living end for me.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Apparently, that's the origin of holding a Wake for the deceased. To wait and make damn sure they're dead before burying them.

Kal said...

Can't we do what the Romanians do. They just dig up their relatives a few days after the funeral, stake their hearts and bury the heads in a separate location.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I heard that in Jamaica they burn your timecard so your zombie can't come back looking for overtime.

Kal said...

Now THAT is funny.