Monday, January 16, 2017

Thank You Mr. President



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Isn't that the BEST cartoon? Another blog that I follow has made it its new blog banner. SO perfect.

Anonymous said...

If we've concentrated so much power that the whole country goes dark because one person leaves then we libertarians have been proven tragically correct.

jester59388 said...

You miss the point. It's not his leaving ... it's the darkness that follows his leaving. You Libertarians are going to wish you'd not wasted your vote when you find out how few personal liberties will actually remain under the corrupt, fascist regime that's about to commence.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Well said, Jester.

Anonymous said...

With due courtesy I spoke out pretty forcefully against Trump in the primary, not to beg for traffic but the posts are still up. During the general election I said that it was a sad commentary was that it was sad that the major parties candidates were within the margin of error of each other for authoritarianism. Both major party candidates were personally spiteful, narcissistic, and in so many people's pockets it should have violated the laws of physics.

Between the NSA warrant-less surveillance, Fast and Furious, and being forced to buy a private product by law(to name only three things); people who believe in individualism haven't considered the last eight years full of puppies and kittens.

Since the election I've said that I'll wait to actually see what is done. I sincerely hope that I'm as wrong about Trump's governance as I was about his electablity. I fail to see how a corrupt Marxist regime would have been an improvement though.