Saturday, June 29, 2019

Cal Rewrites Star Wars And Makes It Better With Giant Kitties

I look at this picture and all I can think about is how much GREATER the Star Wars movies could have been. Jabba the Hut - an overfed giant gangster house kitty? The mind boggles.
Now if you think of Tatooine as one big litter box and the Hutt's at giant house cats whose waste products are recovered, and refined into stable but deadly explosives, you understand the power they hold over that planet. Plus after the ate all the prey on their planet they had to find a way to survive so they turned their talents towards gangsterism which supported their hedonistic lifestyles. They were naturals in the munitions and smuggling trade. Again, the movies just rewrite themselves.


Tim Knight said...

Love the idea of Tatooine as a giant litter box! That's just purr-fect (see what I did there?)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And Darth Vader is a big black persian whose breathing is compromised because of their pushed-in noses!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You see the genius of my concept immediately.