Monday, June 10, 2019

From The Times I Worked On The Legitimate Stage

I was reminded by an old friend today that there was once a time when I was on the big stage and performed without an ounce of stage fright. I appreciate him reminding me of those time. First year of college and I got a role in a major production between Red Deer College and Edmonton's Theatre Network. I would perform at night and be in class the next morning.

A rollicking musical based on the poem by Robert Service. Set in a Yukon saloon during the 1890s gold rush, it tells the story of prospector Dan McGrew, his sweetheart Lou and a mysterious stranger.

Playwrights: John Bertram and Jim Betts
Director: Stephen Heatley
Cast: Blair Haynes, Bradley C. Rudy, Frances Dietz, Robert Maloughney, Charles Phillips, Clarice McCord, Christopher Youngren, Calvin Heighton, Sheridale Pearman and Edward Connell Musical Director: Edward Connell Production Designer: Daniel van Heyst Assistant Director: Raymond Storey Stage Manager: Linda Graham Assistant Stage Manager: Cathy Myles

October 26 – November 5, 1983, Red Deer College, Red Deer
November 9–13, 1983, Theatre Network, Edmonton


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You can legitimately say you have trod the boards.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

In my youth girl. In my youth.