Sunday, June 2, 2019

John Wick (2014)

I took forever to come to these movies but I thought a nice triple feature was the way to do the rest of the weekend. I have been digging on Keannu Reeves lately because of his relentless charm on his latest promotional tour. I also have never seen any of these movies even though they are constantly raved about. I do this with some pieces of entertainment. I may keep the movies for years in my download file until the very right time to watch them. This is the time for John Wick.

Sometimes it's not a good idea to kill Keannu Reeves' dog. Not a good idea at all. A simple revenge premise energizes the whole film and we learn about a secret guild of assassins in what maybe one of the most interesting groups ever created. You could do a whole series of films with any actor you want as long as you set it in this world of honorable killers.

Thus begins this charming little tale of sweet revenge. And I do loves me a sweet revenge story. Keannu is at his best in movies like this because he doesn't have to talk very much. He just emotes and comes up with the pithiest of pithy one liners.

John Wick taught me that it's important to make friends at work because you never know when you will need the services of the best body clean-up crew in the business.

The movie is also full of some great actors who took small parts and had alot of fun with their roles. Willem Dafoe, Ian McShane, Lance Reddick, and the Orville's Adrianne Paliki led a strong cast.

The movie also exudes class. Just because they are filthy killers is no reason to be uncivilized. Wick pays those who help him in gold coins, another classy move. No credit card statement to track. Plus the gold coins serve as both calling card and introduction to this secret world of assassins that John Wick once was a member of. No one who is innocent is ever killed either so I guess the film has it's own twisted code of honor too. I like that. This is an action film with a vision that is actually ABOUT something. Who knew that was possible.

It's amazing the way that the creators had us believe that although John's been out of the 'business' for many years, he fits in like her never left in the first place. As a legendary assassin known as the Baba Yaga, John Wick can interact with people perfect to help him with his revenge. However those same people can just as quickly betray him if the price is right.

Everyone in this world knows everyone else from the doorman to the chef, to the guy who arranges flower deliveries. All of them work for an exclusive clientele so ONLY John Wick could move so freely when his mission is to kill one of their own, the son of the BIG Boss - The guy John Wick used to work for before getting out and the father of the kid who killed his dog.

Even the desk attendant at the exclusive Continental Hotel (The 'safe' hotel for assassins) is giving booze recommendations when Wick needs to be sewn up by the hotel's doctor. Lance Reddick is one of my favorite actors just for his voice alone. He is perfect in one of these roles. He is criptic, reliable and uncorruptable as the consierge of choice to the killer elite.

There is a neat little scene early on that shows a cop paying a visit to John's home where he has just killed about two dozen guys sent to kill him. The cop sees the bodies but just wishes John a good night and is on his way. That is why the cops NEVER show up while Wick is on his killing spree. The cops don't get involved when killers are just killing other killers.

The body count is impressive. Most killed within seconds of coming into contact with Wick. Now I understand how he gained his fearsome reputation. At this rate there will be no gangsters left in the city by morning. Cool. This awesme infographic explains how many people died.
I have seen many a revenge thriller but this one had a style and personality all of it's own that I totally dig. I can't wait to get to the other two movies in the series. Keannu is at the very top of his action movie star game. And he is also actually an action figure.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I haven't watched these movies because I'm not a huge fan of ultraviolence but I do lurves me some Keanu Reeves.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's cartoonish violence because it's so over the top but only with guns and knives. It's thrilling. I am looking forward to watching the sequel today.