Saturday, May 1, 2010

Favorite Movie From Childhood That Your Kids Need To See

It begins and ends with BUGSY MALONE, the depression era set children's musical feature that starts Scot Baio and Josie Foster. It contains great music that your kids will be singing for days. Any violence has bee replaced by guys that shoot custard pie fillings. All of us saw this a thousand times on the army base so we share it now with you. Rent and watch and enjoy.


M. D. Jackson said...

Have to agree with you again, Cal (gosh you're getting smarter all the time!) It was Scott Baio's crowning acheivement. He has never given a better performance since. (sad that an actor could peak so early).

It is an underrrated masterpiece that needs to be seen with absolutely no preconceptions and enjoyed for what it is.

Booksteve said...

Having, of course, no idea you were going to do this post, I had the soundtrack of BUGSY MALONE stuck in my head the other day! IT's great. Had to look up some clips on YouTube!