Saturday, May 1, 2010

Most Underrated Movie Of Resent Time

"And the monkey flips the switch." - Matt Leblanc

I totally agree that this movie did not receive the audience that it deserved. It was a fantastic little science future adventure that was accessible to both adults and kids. It should have spawned several sequels and maybe a return to television. I watch it every time it is on and it is definitely Matt Leblanc's finest performance if you can believe he was even capable. Gary Oldman is the most evil of evil scientists. I say that every time I see this poster. SO if you have never seen this movie, watch it and try to prove me wrong...bitches.


TS Hendrik said...

This is one instance where I must disagree. There was nothing redeeming about it. I was psyched when it came out and then hugely disappointed. I tried watching years later with my nephews and still felt it was bad.

Still everyone is allowed one misstep, you've had yours, let's not dwell on it.

M. D. Jackson said...

I have to agree with you, Cal, if only for Gary Oldman as Doctor Smith. His performance eschewed any sort of redeeming features and presented him as a reprehensible monster, which he literally becomes.

I love the time travel aspect to it as well as the kid who played Will Robinson. I even liked the actor who played the grown-up Will, although every time I see that scene I feel a pang of regret that the producers did not(want to/could not convince/whatever the case) cast Billy Mumy in that part. It was so obviously wriotten for him.

Heather Graham and Mat Leblanc could have been replaced by other actors and it would not have changed it for me, I don't think. Same with William Hurt who is usually solid but in this film was almost somnambulant.

I loved the effects as well. For the time they were revelatory. They have been surpassed since, although not by much. I liked that they threatened but never quite took center stage.

I don't have it on DVD or anything but I will always watch it if it comes on. Thinking about it now, I will probably pick it up if I see it in a bargain bin.

I would never download it, of course. Why that would be illegal and unethical. (Grins and rolls his eyes Groucho Marx-like)

D.I. Felipe González said...

I agree, partially. I really liked some parts of the movie, but I felt that it got ruined on the edition floor.

Blue aka "The Creeper" said...

If for nothing else, I agree with you Cal. This was a phenomenal (my favourite word of the movie that was washed by the critics and others, namely the movie buying public! Pah on those who say bad acting and bad script were the bain of this movie. Bah! On those who say Matt Leblanc and William Hurt could have been replaced by others.
Personally, I loved the movie, and the characters, having grown up during the 60's, not that I remember much about it thanks to certain mind altering drugs in the 70's. However I remember Dr. Smith et al, and loved them for who they were. A social comment on our world, ahead of our time and warning us to look out.
Cheers love your blog!

Dash MacBastard said...

Loved this one too, Cal. The time travel plot pretzelling toward the end was a bit of a stretch, but you had to dig that Smith/Spider monster and Heather Graham as eye candy.
It's a movie that was never meant to be serious science fiction (niether was the TV series it originated from), just a fun summer time movie.

Wings1295 said...

Have yet to see it.

And "Resent Time"? Is that like time travel???

Wings1295 said...
