These are early looks at the plushies. They each should have a kitty with them as the finished product. I am immensely impressed. I invite you to check out the work of kittyzilla. I have followed her stuff for more than a year now and she does some of the best representation of comic characters around. And she uses quality fabrics and puts alot of imagination into getting the details just right. I can see effort in the work she did for me and the tiny little touches she could have left out but refused to. This is an artist I can work with and champion.

Can you just see the 'Cave of Cool' animated feature length movie being a huge success (after several years of the multi-award winning television cartoon series of the same name) and seeing the little children open their 'Cave of Cool' plush figures at Christmas and not needing to open any more presents after that.

Wait until you see the play sets. I think I will boycott 'Lego' and go exclusively 'Playmobile' with these ones. Those Danes are shifty. I don't like working with them. They seem like they could snap at any moment. No people are that nice.
Oh WOW! That. Is. So. Coooool! Dude, I can totally see these in a retro Rankin and Bass stop motion special. BTW I do have the comic book cover of your last stand against the octopi of zeta-reticuli. I'll email you the jpeg.
Those are just awesome Kal!
Terrific! I like how your goatee is done. And Admiral Fluffy looks so cute too!
So totally neat and cool. :)
I love them. The eyebrow on the first one is a nice touch.
The eyebrows originate with Becca's original drawing. Becca put so much detail into my commission. Kittyzilla didn't miss a single one of those details. I am sure the final version will have the maple leaf on the arm, a bubble helmet, and a kitty companion just like in the source material.
Those are way cool dog toys.
Emmett and Dee-Oh-Gee are just dying to slobber them up.
Christopher * ducking and fearing the wrath.
Oh I would kill the dog if I came into the room and saw him chewing on my plushies. Can't they wait until I release my line of 'Cave of Cool' pet toys?
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