It's a replica of an iconic car that is guaranteed to turn heads. The two-seater soft-top car is for sale at the rock-bottom price of 2,200 Euros ($3,145). And, unlike the original, this working version of Fred Flintstone's car has its own motor, meaning the driver and their passenger won't have to rely on their feet to power the prehistoric ride.
Now who is your favorite - Betty or Veronica? Did you think the teenage Pebbles was hot? Am I an old pervert for thinking that she is?
It can't actually be legal to drive that thing, can it? And in Europe, no less?!
PS Teen Bam-Bam rocks my world.
But can I take it to the drive-in and have it tipped over with a giant rib?
If only we could, Nathan...if only. If the ribs are that big you can imagine how huge the shakes and onion rings are?
Not to mention the bowls of Fruity Pebbles.
Everyone who grew up watching The Flintstones will want this car! I mean, we only got to see this on the TV when we were young, and now, it's real. Has this been sold? A picture of me riding that car would be enough to satisfy my excitement, LOL!
>Tyra Shortino
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