One day Bill O'Reilly is going to see such a backlash for all the negative karma he has put out into the Universe. I hope this is the occasion because I am so tired of his clown act. It's not cute nor funny that he lies to our faces and laughs about it behind our backs. This fool's attempt to rewrite the facts in light of the Norway shooting is sickening. He claims that the shooter is not a Christian. Who gives a shit what religion he was, he never made that a big part of his philosophy.
What he did follow was the hate speech, especially against Muslims, that is a part of the right wing media strategy that Billo is a huge part of. Limbaugh, Beck, Geller, Coulter, Hannity - they can all be counted on to parrot back the spin of their racist and homophobic corporate masters.
The saddest part is that most of them believe what they are saying. True messengers for the faith. With Coulter it's an act. The fact that people I respect like Alan Colmes, Stephanie Miller, and Bill Maher chum around with her and speak highly of her makes me believe she is just in it for the money and to see how far she can push before people's head's actually explode. It's all a performance. It's shtick.
Then there is Beck saying the 'camp' the murdered kids were attending in Norway was like ones for Hitler youth. I wonder how those two asshats would feel if it was their children who were killed at one of their 'Jesus Camps'. But of course you would never see that hear because we who oppose these views are not the ones who kill large numbers of people at the same time. It always seems to be the right wing nut jobs who have been given easy access to guns and ammunition, have been feed a steady diet of HATE by the right wing punditry and conservative radio saturation and have found acceptance for their beliefs on websites run by 'reputable' news sources.
They are so extreme that they can't even silence the worse of their ilk - Pal Geller is particularly odious. They could have disavowed her message (who the killer talks about in his 'manifesto') but instead try to distract with minutia. Where is the REAL media on this part of the story? Why aren't more people talking about the bullshit spin that continues on FOX NEWS even while were are in the midst of the Ruppert Murdoch media scandal?
I can't believe that nothing has changed at FOX NEWS. Now that is Chutzpah.
Calvin's Canadian Cave Of Cool's Silver Bullet Award once again goes to a couple of easy targets. I wish they didn't make it so easy but with behavior this egregious, one has to admit that this level of personal evil has met with our qualifying standards. So fuck you O'Reilly and fuck you Glen Beck and fuck your bosses and handlers who have turned you into assholes by proxy. Not that you weren't assholes before but only now you pimp out your talents for money and personal fame despite all the damage you leave in your wake. That is such fucked-up asshole behavior.
I await the Universe's correction in three...two...
I have this mental picture of Norwegians as being polite, and mild mannered Europeans. Then for something like this to happen to them, just because they were decent enough to have decent immigration laws? It's just..so unfair...
No good deeds ever goes unpunished.
Nothing will change. This country has it's head way up there where the air is rarified. I have little or no faith in the media here. They just report what they've been told to report and that's that.
As far as Fox goes, it's just a propaganda outlet, nothing less.
If Ann Coulter is acting she deserves an academy award. Her hatred is appalling. The things these people say is pure evil.
Your comments about the right-wing people who have access to guns and a "diet of hate" struck a chord in me.
Is that why they are so gung-ho for guns? So the hate spewers can push their agenda onto weak-minded people and hope they succumb and use those guns on others?
Granted this smacks of conspiracy and I'm not saying all right-wing people are this way, but could there be a conspiracy at the top to exploit the tendancy of some to froth at the mouth and react without thinking?
They need their guns because the immigrants and muslim Presidents are coming to throw them into prison for their conservative beliefs.
Oh *smacks head* Silly me!
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