“Life is too short to have anything but delusional notions about yourself.” - Gene Simmons.
I am a big fan of 'Gene Simmons' Family Jewels', his reality show with his family that airs on A&E. He of course is the rock star member of KISS. The mother of his children (the very put together and practical Nick and Sophie) is Canadian actress and queen of early direct to video films that were made for cable companies like Cinemax. Just enough nudity and simulated sex and violence to be shown after hours when us teenagers thought we were getting away with something by watching. Shannon was a reliable sex symbol whose confidence and sense of humor about herself was very appealing at the time. She really represented most of our (Canadians) most appealing traits.

Gene is famous for his anti-marriage stance but with each passing year he looks like more and more of a dick be adding to his already ridiculous number of sexual conquests and refuses to give the woman who loves him and stuck with him and raised two great kids with him what she wants the most - to be married.

Grow up Gene. Fuck man, you got it all and all those fantastic Kiss action figures. I have many of those sets too but his collection of KISS merchandise is epic. I could spend a week just looking at all the shit he has in cases and shelves in his home office.

I do admit to loving Sophie though. She is terrific as is her brother. They are as non-entitled as celebrity children ever get. I have watched enough episodes of reality TV to know the difference between someone who is acting and someone who is just who they are and they are good people at that.

This year has been a favorite because for the first time Shannon is prepared to walk away from her boyfriend if he won't marry her. She has been loyal and supportive of him for 25 years. Now it's time for him to step up and do the right thing by her. The kids are solidly on their mother's side.
Gene is not a bad guy he's just trapped by an image that is his whole identity...or at least he thinks it is. He needs to realize that he is a much better guy than that and the decent guy inside him could lose the only real things that are important to him - his family.
Call it fake, call it scripted. Sure feels real to me.

I agree with you. Love watching the show and the kids and Shannon are great. I think Gene loves them all but you are right - his rock star image makes him think that is not what "real men" do...yeah, well, maybe Shannon no longer wants him because she's had it with his extracurricular activities - and maybe he is the subject of the blind vice about the celebrity that got an STD and passed it along to his partner...this could have been the straw that broke the camel's back for Shannon. I think she should leave him or toss him out or whatever - she deserves far better. :)
Sounds like a philosophy Stevan Seagal lives by whether he knows it or not, given a quote I saw from him last week were he said "I hope to be known as something other than a sex symbol."
One of my favorite shows too but i will admit i have not watched in a while but that is something i will have to change. I agree with you too Kal Gene needs to marry that wonderful gal. : )
Shannon is sexy, funny and Canadian. Don't get much better than that.
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