Dear Calvin,
We thought you'd like to know that the following has been shipped to you:
Item#, Quantity, Name, Price, Extended Price
DS18357, 1, Marvel Thor Hammer, $14.99, $14.99
Subtotal: $14.99
Shipping & Processing: $0.00 (USPS PRIORITY MAIL TO CANADA) (Previously
Paid In Full)
Total: $14.99

Oh! Thor's Hammer. With a "YAAAAAAAAAAAA!" like that I thought that CSI: Miami was starting.
Use it wisely.
oh HELL yes
I like the one you had before.
I made one of these 5mm plates of iron over a wooden frame. I lost it when I moved. The thing was heavy like a sledge but just beautiful. Modeled after the Olaf troll hammer from buffy. Thats the only good thing I made in shop class.
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