Friday, July 8, 2011

The Three Musketeers - New Trailer

Yeh it looks goofy but I am so looking forward to this one. Mila killing guys with swords while in one of those huge 18th century dresses all the woman of culture wore at the time? I even like the two airships fighting each other in the skies. Plus any movie with swordfighting in it gets a pass from me everytime.


Rod Barnett said...

No pass from me. It looks like amped up modern rock Bay styled crap. I'll rewatch the Richard Lester classics from the 70s.

DEZMOND said...

I love the trailer, seems extremely entertaining, and I love those airships, such a creative and brilliant idea.

Kal said...

It's so awesome that both of you saw the trailer in two totally opposite ways.

Don't worry Rod, the Lester film will never ever be topped for greatness. That film is the way historical fiction should be done. Immensely entertaining with a great story and great actors at the top of their game. Oliver Reed is pure magic.

DEZMOND said...

ah, you know me Kal, I'm not one of the fanboys who like only dark flicks and love to trash everything epic, fantasy and historical ;) I will always be in the first line of defence of visual splendor in films :)

Rod Barnett said...

Well come on. It possible to have visual splendor without turning the story into something stupid- which is what a lot of 'action' in that trailer really is. Big splashy 'splosions have their place but not in this type of story. Its an attempt to wedge modern concepts of what will sell to the kiddies into a tale that cannot support such silliness. If this were a fantasy tale devoid of historical setting you could probably get away with a lot of that kind of thing, but The Three Musketeers doesn't have those elements because the story has no NEED of them. This looks to be a tarted up mess.

Kal said...

I read what you said while thinking of the Charlie Sheen version of the 'Three Muskateer' story. Now THAT was terrible. I will give this a chance because of Mila of course because I think she can really play the icy cold of the Countess DeWinter. Trust me, if I hate it I will be twice as merciless in my critique.

Nomad said...

remember what I said about airships.
Take some time there is alot of them.

Kal said...

I agree. They are death but they look so cool - especially when they are on fire.