We’ve seen the revolutionary Da Vinci Surgical System do amazingly precise movements before, including folding paper airplanes and playing Operation. In this video, surgeons at Southmead Hospital in the UK demonstrated its ability to make delicate cuts by peeling a grape. So far, there are only 1,032 Da Vinci robots in service around the world, but that number is steadily increasing as doctors find it useful.
Great, so now the same robots that can peel a grape can skin off my eyelids without damaging the delicate (and tasty) optics beneath.
Am I the only one out here who thinks robots with insanely fine motor skills is not such a good idea?
I approve of their uses in surgery but only if there can be a guy in the operating room with a kill switch in case robo-doctor takes too much of a liking to it's precise cutting ability.
It only takes ONE of them to achieve sentience and we are all fucked. Look at what the Cylons did to us. The last thing I want is to find myself trying to take out 'The Gun On Ice Planet Zero' - AGAIN!
Since I was able to find this two part episode I present them here to all of you who fondly remember how great Battlestar Gallactica was when we were kids.
Da Vinci robots aren't autonomous. They're operated via remote control by a surgeon sitting in the same room.
Not autonomous yet! ROBOT SURGEONS are the next step. Sounds like you are an apologist for these crazy toasters.
Of course this may just be me being all alarmist again. A chicken little waiting for the robot and octopus sky to fall.
Why does anyone follow me?
Okay, sure, they're remote operated by a surgeon, but if you recall, that didn't help Logan and Jessica much when they were in the 'New You'.
I'll peel my own damn grapes.
I had totallly forgotten about that LOGANS'S RUN plastic surgery laser. Thanks for boosting my arguement.
Do you really think an autonomus robot can replace a surgeon with half a million dollars worth of education and tens of thousands of man hours of training when it's rummaging around inside you to painstakingly sever your festering, tumor-engorged prostate from its vast web of blood vessels and nerve clusters? Nick the neural plexus and you meat things will be excreting indelicately into a diaper for the rest of your life.
The situation that will truly get out of control will be when the malignant cells puncture the prostatic sac membrane and metastasize. You will not be lucky enough to live through it.
That sounds like a really personal example mercurius.
Toaster in red dresses are hot!
Don´t worry Kal, nobody is designing autonomous brains yet (if somebody does we´ll start the resistence).
No one we KNOW is designing autonomous brains. Some crazy bastard is close to a breakthrough, I just know it.
umm... I loved Battlestar Galactica...
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