Thursday, July 5, 2012


What kind of fuckin' numnut country is America when I can't even order 4 superhero glasses? Oh we are a huge company but we don't ship to Canada because it must be an uncivilized third world nation that will feed our delivery drivers to the bears if they attempt to cross the border. FUCK YOU NEATORAMA. I am getting sick of idiots who think that the Continental USA is the only land mass that matter on this entire planet.


Unknown said...

Live In The USofA TEXAS Get Out!
Let We Piss Allover Our Friends To The North
Why O Why Can't We Live Together

Anonymous said...

Suck it up fat liberal bastard

Tempo said...

Join the club Cal, we don't exist either as far as the USA is concerned. We are such small markets that they really don't worry if they pissed off the whole of Canada or Australia. If we boycotted buying from the USA it would be less than a few percent of their sales. Sadly the USA seems to care mostly about the bucks....

Chase March said...

This has happened to me before too with certain things I have wanted to buy.

I don't understand the problem here. How hard can it be to ship something across the border?


Super-Duper ToyBox said...
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Super-Duper ToyBox said...

that' a cryin' shame- i agree that a lot of cpoprate America just doesn't care- hell, a lot of the retail workers don't care- a lot of apathy as far as customer service goes. Mr. Anonymous above, for example, is probably a pissed off Wal-Mart employee... and they're the worst kind, believe me

Budd said...

I will be in Toronto in a couple weeks. Order them and have them shipped to me and I will meet you someplace in Toronto and give them to you.

What do you mean Canada is a big country?

Kal said...

Imagine American wearing a hat. A hat as big as a Texas Ten Gallon Hat - only we are a country. A country with money that can be paid with credit cards. All the store has to do is address the box and send it out with their other products. The very very worse thing is that this is a blog that has cool products but they can't share them with their Canadian fans? They cut out a whole lot of potential customers.

Budd said...

international shipping:

csmith2884 said...

ship them here I'll forward them as always.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Get a US address, either from a friend or a remail service like . I hate that kind of policies, we the people south of the border suffer more from that.