Sunday, July 22, 2012

Man Of Steel Trailer


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It feels like they're going to route of Batman Begins of seeing our future hero walking the Earth. (Incidentally, I hear "The Flash" movie adaptation will feature Barry Allen filling out college applications for the first half hour.)

The music feels a bit morose. I guess I was hoping for some booming triumphant adventure theme a la John Williams. I'm sure the actual movie will have different music.

I do like the look of Henry Cavill. He has a very impressive jawline.

Kal said...

This was only ONE MINUTE of footage. I am sure we will see much costumed heroics. I like that fact that he is working on a crab fishing boat...after all it is the world's most dangerous job.

If that last ten seconds of the trailer didn't make you go SQUEEEEE like a little girl then you have become jaded, my friend.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I blame "Superman Returns" for my jadedness.

M. D. Jackson said...

If it hadn't been for the appearance of the flying blue suit at the end this could have been the trailer for Deadliest Catch: The Movie.