Friday, July 13, 2012

My Angry Teen Mom Update

Oh look Farrah continues to make phenomenally bad choices for herself and her daughter. That doesn't surprise me when I look at the title of her book. GAH! Can it be any MORE about you, ya brat?

In episode 2 of season 4, Farrah took her daughter to visit the grave of her daughter' father who died before Sophia was born. I have no problem with visiting a grave site but her efforts to explain to a distracted toddler than she needed to talk to her dead father seemed to me like child abuse.

(On a totally different issue, I have always found it extremely distasteful for people to celebrate the birth dates of their dead family members with happy birthday balloons and other items you would more expect at a more joyous occasion. The birthday boy or girl should still be among the living so they can appreciate all the attention they are getting.)

First this numnut gets herself pregnant. Then after the baby is born decides she want breast implants so she can be a model. She gets new breasts but her interest in modelling lasted all of ten minutes.

She decides to move away from her parents because she really can't stand anyone telling her what to do or even suggesting a course of action. Why would she accept the advice of someone older and wiser than herself? She knows EVERYTHING.

After she had to give away a puppy she couldn't take care of last year, she decides to get another puppy despite being overwhelmed by her big move, her new life, school and a 2 year old, she thinks taking on MORE responsibility will turn out well for everyone, including the puppy. Stuffing him back into his CAGE when he pees is hardly good pet care. Take some time and do the job right for once. Don't make the dog another victim of your irresponsible nature.

Then in episode 4, our girl takes on the responsibility of babysitting someone else dog along with the current dog she has but doesn't really take care of. It was an impulse decision that the dog is paying for. Farrah is never interested in the same thing for very long except for her daughter. I wonder how bad her ADD truly is.

Then JUST when I think she can't disappoint me one more time, she starts to date the first guy she meets in Fort Lauderdale, the serious college town she decided would be a good place to raise a toddler. He is her neighbor. All I can do now is wait for the inevitable uncomfortable break-up that is sure to occur. What do you think the chances are of her getting pregnant again? I give it 80% and that is a conservative guess.

Good thing she knows now that her neighborhood is full of registered sex offenders. No worries though, it's close to the beach and that is what was most important to Farrah. Gah! I just want to slap this dingbat.

Now her parents failed FARRAH Along time ago by allowing her bratty, entitled behavior to create a selfish adult who has no business being a mother.

In the next episode she will no doubt become disillusioned by her new life and uproot her daughter again. I hope that this time she will find a way to include her parents in her life. They may annoy the shit out of her but they are good to their granddaughter and that should be the kind of family help that a single mom should appreciate and hold onto with both hands.

Thanks for stickin' wid to me to the end of this rant. I just needed to vent.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I don't ordinarily read these reality show post of yours, but the bit about getting a puppy caught my eye in light of recent events. You see, my brother's fiancee recent bought a little wiener dog despite her my as well as my mom telling her it was a bad idea since shes in a transitional stage of life and that a dog is going to limit how much she can travel leisurely or potentially travel to an out of state job. Neither her mother nor brother are fond of dogs, and the place she lives doesn't allow dogs so its staying with her friend until after work anyway.

Kal said...

What is with these damage girls and dogs anyways? Dogs are already a lot of work. You want something to love? Get a cool cat.

Unknown said...

I can't help but think that this is a similar path that Casey Anthony walked along. These paths never really end well.

Kal said...

Well at least with the cameras watching the kids are safe.

Kal said...

I don't understand why she uses the words 'My Parents' but calls her dad, Frank. Is her her real father or step father...either way she treats him like shit despite all he does for her. He tries to talk to her but she is snappish and rude. I hope that's the edit but I suspect there is material so ignorant that they can't show it. Stupid Farrah....but GO CATELYN