Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Junky Soviet Submarine Design

From the outside, it looks little more than a slowly corroding hulk, but in the cramped confines of this abandoned vessel everything looks in great condition – even if the echoes that rebound around the space are a little creepy. With the empty vessel bobbing peacefully in the river where it is berthed, being inside this submarine is unnerving enough even now.

So we can only imagine what it must have been like to inhabit this confined space when the craft was operational, submerged 250 meters (820 ft) beneath the waves for weeks at a time As suggested, Black Widow submarines were no place for those who valued their ‘alone time’. Each one was crewed by 77 men, crammed into a space only 92 meters long and 7.5 meters wide – with much of the room taken up by machinery and other equipment. You can see from the photographs how restricted it must have been.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

The claustrophobic nature of submarine life really came across in that classic German movie "Das Boot."

Kal said...

That movie was unbearable at times. I so remember seeing that movie, reading the subtitles and clenching my butt hole. I would have been a pilot. Never going in a submarine or a coal mine.

M. D. Jackson said...

Try climbing around inside an old Soviet spacecraft. I couldn't believe they sent one man into space inside that cramped piece of junk, let alone three.

Kal said...

Don't get me started on their space program. First they broke my heart with Laika and after Yuri and Valentina it was downhill from there.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Those Soviets really appreciated the "Macho" status. They even took it the extra mile.

Kal said...

Macho doesn't have to mean sloppy. Would it kill them to round a corner or design a nice cover to put OVER the exposed electronics? Even brand new a lot of their stuff is just missing something. All this of course surprises and infuriates me because their poster art is so freakin' beautiful. It's a strange dicotomy in my mind.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I don´t know about Canadian machos but being a Mexican Macho is all about exposed and dangerous parts, Cal. Living dangerously.

Kal said...

You can do that in the sub tropics. But up here in the Boreal we know that things can't be hanging out all 'willy nilly'.